Four Reasons To Schedule A CBD Massage

You may have heard many things in the news lately about how CBD is sweeping the nation. It seems as if everything people are saying about it, is that it is a really positive thing that you can potentially use when it comes to relieving stress, reducing anxiety, and dealing with pain. Here at our spa in Staten Island, we believe in the power of CBD and how it can help you feel even better during a massage.

Benefits Of Getting A CBD Massage

May Alleviate Chronic Pain

CBD has been known to help all sorts of ailments in some people’s bodies. While it may not eliminate chronic pain completely, it can surely help alleviate it for a couple of hours at least. If you know anyone with chronic pain, I am sure that they will tell you that any moment of relief is a great moment. In addition to reducing muscle tension, CBD can increase blood flow which helps soothe tension in areas affected by chronic pain

Alleviates Stress and Anxiety

CBD has been shown to help with stress and anxiety in many people. Reducing your stress and anxiety levels can help you think clearer when it comes to tasks that you need to accomplish and help you maintain a better feeling of wellbeing. Our massage will help you realize a certain sense of calm that will help you tackle any of those stressful tasks that you may have to deal with that day.

Reduces Muscle Tension 

People tend to hold a lot of stress from their day-to-day life in their muscles. Getting regular massages can certainly help get a lot of that stress out. Adding CBD to that massage can help even more. CBD is well-known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe and calm sore muscles. By applying CBD topicals, the effects can reduce any soreness that your muscles may have after a strenuous workout or just from holding stress.

Improves Skin Health

CBD is known to promote healthier skin. It helps reduce the amount of oil in your skin which is often what causes unwanted blemishes or acne. CBD contains linoleic acid, which further helps to regulate oil production on the skin and stop breakouts. This works in tandem with the anti-inflammatory properties to help your skin feel and look healthier.

How Does CBD Actually Work?

Many people think that CBD will get them high, which is false. CBD is actually a cannabinoid compound found in hemp and cannabis that responds to receptors found in the skin. While it is a part of the marijuana plant itself, it is completely removed of THC, which is the psychoactive part of the plant itself. CBD is all of the pain-relieving parts of the plant so you won’t get high from using it. The CBD reacts with the cannabinoid receptors in your brain which allows for it to help with everything from tension to anxiety.

Schedule A Massage Today!

Our spa in Staten Island has everything ranging from CBD massages to hot stone massages and everything in between. Contact us or schedule your massage online today!